By monitoring voltage and fan speeds, you will optimize the power consumption and keep low noise levels in your PC. This application helps you track your computer system's important statistics by keeping track of fan speeds and voltage levels. It allows you to monitor your computer components and adjust the temperature of the computer system by increasing the speed of the fan. compatible with all modern versions of Windows.SpeedFan is a very useful and intelligent application for your Windows system.you can access internal hard drive information.it is possible to overclock the processor.provides instruments for monitoring fan speeds and thermal sensor data.The current firmware version is provided as well. You are able to evaluate the read error rate, spin up time, the amount of reallocated sectors and other technical hardware attributes.

data from all detected HDDs can be accessed from the corresponding tab. Automatic processor speed control options are provided. The list of all supported motherboard vendors and models is available in the Clock tab. Similar to AMD Overdrive, users can enhance CPU performance with the help of this tool. Alternatively, there is a checkbox for automatically tuning the speed depending on the temperature. You are able to manually adjust the amount of rotations per minute separately for every fan that supports this function. The current speeds of all connected fans as well as component temperatures are displayed in the main window. The software automatically detects all compatible devices on startup.

Users can keep track of CPU usage and view the information from thermal sensors on the graphics card, processor, HDDs and other hardware. SpeedFan is a Windows application for configuring fans connected to the motherboard.