Rd licensing manager
Rd licensing manager

This server could be installed on any existing machine on your network. This role does not need to have a dedicated server. The Add Servers Wizard will start and you can select the server you want to add as a RD licensing server. In this page, in the Deployment overview area, click on the plus sign in order to add the RD Licensing server. To add the RD Licensing Role in your infrastructure, you will open the RDMS management console tool which will be opening the Overview page. So, please, ensure that you have updated your server manager accordingly in order to work with a multi-server RDS deployment scenario. Add all your RDS Server and after that, you should be able to open the RDMS Console with no problem. To Add them, simply go the the all servers node,right-click and select Add servers. You will get this error because you have to add all servers that are part of your RDS Deployment into your Server Manager Console. If you have deployed RDS infrastructure on multiple servers, if you open the RDMS tool, you might get an error stating that t here is no connection to the RDS broker. You open the Server Manager and you locate the RDMS node and you can start working on it. If you have single RDS Deployment, using the RDMS is quite easy. In 2012 R2, in order to add additional roles (and you should know that if you have been reading my previous posts about this topic), you need to install the RDMS tool. A collegue of mine try to install the role using the Wizard and it seems that the role was not detected in the RDMS management console. When you will add the RD Licensing Server role into your RDS infrastructure, you should not use the Add Roles and feature wizard. Step by Step Installation Little Background information and common errors

rd licensing manager

So we had to explain to our customer how to perform the installation of the RD Licensing Role. Each time a user was trying to connect, a message about missing licensing server was displayed. Recently, I had a customer that called me telling me that the RDS solution Proof of Concept that was implemented was not working anymore. In this post, we will be talking about RDS and look at the last role about which we didn’t talked about : the Licensing Server.

rd licensing manager

So this explain my lack of recent posts and short answers to comments. I know it has been some time since I didn’t write any new posts but I had to work (and still working) on a quite heavy project which is taking away all my free time.

Rd licensing manager